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Fatera YO+ 酵素
From: $360.0
Q & A
Yvonne Wong answered on 2022-09-28如果瘦身效果的話,呢隻都有效,但比較溫和。店主會問你想快定慢減,想效果快就魔女酵素
Carrie answered on 2022-09-30細細包粉黎,可以沖水或者直接食,少少甜,冇乜味
Sophie answered on 2022-07-09我只可以話我好鍾意食,但一日唔建議食多過5包😂
Susan answered on 2022-07-12你當乳酪糖
Zoe Wan answered on 2022-07-22客服會教你食法呢
Diana answered on 2022-04-22佢地會 whatsapp send食法俾你
Yumi answered on 2022-04-27Sorry, no questions were found
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Daphne –
Jenny Siu –
Cindy Cheung –
YO+酵素真係太好食,好似以前細個跳跳糖,不過係乳酪味,我跟足一個療程6盒咁食。腰線,腰線,腰線!!真係出返黎!Before pic我唔敢上啦,但我6盒真係瘦左4-5kg左右